CRC Family Farm

OUR farmers
Kelly and Lisa Carr are our resident full-time farmers but couldn't run the operation without the help of their kids and grandkids. It truly is a family operation. The Carr Family is dedicated to providing healthy grass fed beef to consumers who prefer local humanely raised grass fed beef.

CRC Family Farm is a 320 acre cattle ranch located on Lake Roosevelt in Stevens County Washington. Our ground is a blend of open fields, meadows and timber.
We raise grass for summer pasture and alfalfa for winter forage.
The 320 acre property adequately supports our 20 cow herd. In the early months of a typical summer, cows are foraging on green grass. As the grasses mature and the weather turns drier, forage changes to dry standing grass. Yearling calves are on green orchard grass until mid July when they are harvested. A dry spring may result in irrigation being necessary to keep these pastures green and growing.
Our practice is to use herbicides as a last resort to control noxious weeds. We target specific plants and only spot spray. We much prefer to maintain healthy pastures by grazing responsibly.
The Farm Through the Years
Claude and Flo Carr purchased the property which is now CRC Family Farm in 1943. They started with some milk cows and a great work ethic. They farmed the property for the next 40 years. Primary crops included wheat/alfalfa and a cow-calf operation. Cecil and Roseann Carr worked closely with Claude and Flo and the farm reorganized into Carr and Son Partnership. The cow-calf operation was wrapped up in the late 70's and the alfalfa fields were converted to wheat. Claude passed away in 1989 and Flo followed in 2002. Cecil and Roseann became the sole owners of the property. Cecil continued to raise wheat until the early 90's when he converted the wheat fields into pasture. A local cattleman leased the property for summer grazing until 2018. Around this time the property became CRC Family Farm and is owned by Cecil and Roseann's children. Cecil passed on in 2018 and Roseann continues to live on property which borders the farm. Today, the farm is owned and operated by Claude and Flo's grandchildren.

Cecil & Claude Carr